If you are looking for a job and are frustrated or overwhelmed by all of the things that you need to prepare, then there are resources that you can use to get assistance. Plenty of job websites, resume experts and even your own network of friends and acquaintances can be utilized in order to set yourself apart from all of the other candidates that are vying for the positions that you are interested in.
However, there are also working professionals, known as recruiters, who can help you to find a job if their services are used correctly. Working with a recruiter is not for everyone. But you may be able to benefit from a recruiter and land the interview that you have been eyeing by receiving information that they offer.
What are a recruiter’s main goals and responsibilities?
It is best to first understand what a recruiter’s role is in the first place to understand what he or she might be able to do for you. To start, there are actually three distinct categories of recruiters that you may come into contact with.
The first category is comprised of career coaches, who are not what people would normally deem “recruiters” per se. These are individuals that you will often pay to consult with, who will go through your interests and talents to place you with a certain career path that you can choose to go down.
Next, there are recruiters who are specific to individual companies and look for talent expressly for that company. And finally, there is the traditional image of a recruiter, which is also called a headhunter. These are individuals who work for a variety of different companies and are often paid either before a candidate is found (which is usually a larger amount of money) or after (which is usually a smaller amount of money). These are called retained recruiters and contingency recruiters, respectively.
Understanding what kind of recruiter is working for you is a good idea before you agree to work with them. Some recruiters are more pressured to produce quality candidates than others, depending on the level of pay that they have received or are expecting from the employer. However, it is always a good idea to remember that while a recruiter is assigned to help you, their level of investment in your specific job outcome may vary.
Top Reasons Why a Recruiter May be Right for You
Making the decision to utilize the help of a recruiter can be the right move for many different individuals, especially if the recruiter is properly researched beforehand. Below are some of the biggest reasons why you might want to use a recruiter:
Recruiters have knowledge about the field that you are trying to enter. Most recruiters specialize in one field or area of expertise, so chances are high that they have plenty of experience working with the companies that you are interested in. Recruiters likely have much bigger networks than you do, with direct connections and personal relationships with hiring managers from all over the place. By using their services, you may be able to tap into that valuable resource. This is extremely valuable for those considering a career change.
Recruiters make getting interviews easy. Because recruiters are trying to get people interviews, you will find that you can get many more than if you were to simply apply for positions on your own. However, getting an interview is not the same as getting the job nor does it mean that the job is exactly what you are looking for.
Your receive flexibility in regards to the help that you receive from recruiters. Since you are not the one who is directly paying the recruiters, you can use that fact to your advantage. Without a doubt, some recruiters are better and more driven to help you than others. So, why not use more than one recruiter to get a better chance of finding the right one? There is no rule against this, as long as you can devote all of the necessary time to working with each one individually and applying to the places that they recommend.
When You Might Avoid Using a Recruiter
But of course, using a recruiter can also have its downsides in some situations. You may want to look for other job searching options if a recruiter does any of the following:
Recruiters who seem like they do not have your best interests at heart. Always remember that even though you are using a recruiter to get help with finding your next job, you still want your next job to be better than your last. Some recruiters are perfectly content with trying to throw you into any job whatsoever so that they can get paid, whether or not you like that job or if it pays that much more than your last position. After all, they are usually getting paid regardless of how long you stay at the company that they place you in. If this is the case, then be sure to be firm about what you are looking for or else just walk away.
Recruiters who ask you questions that are a bit too personal. Despite what they might say, a recruiter is never entitled to know how much you made at your last job. Before going into negotiations with a recruiter, come up with a salary figure in your head that you would for your next job, determine the position you are aiming for as part of advancing your career and give that information to the recruiter instead of mentioning your old rate of pay. While this figure may end up being too high for the recruiter to work with, doing things this way is a much more reliable way to find and negotiate a solid salary that you can be happy with.
You feel as though you can get a better job more quickly by using other resources. While using a recruiter can be a helpful tool for job seekers, it is usually never the best resource available. Many more people find jobs by working their network and by forming business relationships than by using recruiters. In the end, you should certainly use all of the available resources that you can, especially if you are struggling to find a job using just one method.
How to Find and Utilize a Recruiter Effectively
If you have decided that you are willing to make the move in working with a recruiter, then there are some things that you should keep in mind to make the process go as smoothly as possible. First, you have to know where to look. One of the more foolproof methods of finding a good recruiter is by asking around. Chances are, your friends or family have used a recruiter at some point, and it is likely that they have a good or bad opinion about the ones that they have used. However, you can also look in online recruiter directories to find highly rated professionals or else check on social media or other online recruiter hubs.
Finding the right recruiter for you can be a subjective experience. When you first call or meet with them, be sure to ask plenty of questions to get a better picture of how they operate as a recruiter and what their motivations are. While using many recruiters can be a good idea, do not go too overboard and try to pick recruiters that work with different companies to avoid awkward clashes between multiple recruiters that work for the same company. When you have used a recruiter effectively, it can be a very rewarding experience. So, maintaining a good relationship with recruiters even after they have placed you in a job is key, as you may need to use their services again in the future.
By Admin –