Usually, education grants will be offered on the basis of need, meaning you will need to have a low income and limited cash resources to qualify for one. This may require you to show proof of your income level, such as your or your family’s tax return. Other grants may require additional eligibility rules, and you may have to also show proof to meet those requirements.

The purpose of education grants is to allow a broader range of people to attend college and begin or advance their careers. Grants can be a great way to get ahead professionally without having to pay back any money once you have graduated and begin your career. Learn more about who may qualify for grants below.

How Can I Qualify for Cash Assistance With Education Grants?

While federal grants like the Pell Grant and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) will have the same requirements for students across the U.S., education grants offered by states may have different income requirements. This is because income levels and expenses vary according to different states.

Other grants may be offered to members of minority groups, such as Black, Hispanic or Indigenous students. These grants may be offered by governments or by private foundations committed to helping students pay for college.

Some education grants are available for service members, veterans or family members of military personnel. Some may go specifically for veterans who have a disability.

One example of an education grant for veterans is the GI Bill. To qualify for GI Bill education benefits, veterans and service members must have served for a certain period of time, meet honorable discharge requirements and more. Family members may qualify for GI BIll benefits if they have a family member who died or became disabled through their service in the Armed Forces.

Other grants may be available to civilians who have certain disabilities.

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