Job-based training is beneficial for both employers and current or potential employees. With the correct training, you can understand the proper way in which jobs should be performed. If you are an individual who is interested in joining a certain field of work or a new hire to a company, it is important to have job-based training so that you can succeed in the long run.
There are many types of job training, depending on the industry and the type of position. There are apprenticeships, in which you train for a job as a practitioner of the trade or profession with on the job training. Apprenticeships may also require you to complete courses as part of completing an apprenticeship and receiving certification or a license for a career. Another form or job-based training is internships. In these internships, you will gain experience in a specific field of work, for a certain length of time. Internships are a version of training that does not last long, nor do they guarantee you a job in the future. Lastly, there is on-the-job training. With these programs, you receive training for a job that you were hired for and are about to perform. To learn more about each of these trainings, the advantages and disadvantages of each, how they can benefit you as an employer or an employee and more, refer to the sections below.
If you are wanting to learn a particular skill or set of skills while still getting paid, apprenticeships are the best option. As stated above, apprenticeships are a type of training that you can receive when looking to join a trade or profession. This type of training focuses on teaching you the necessary skills for a specific job. They are paid and can last from one to four years, depending on the position. Apprenticeship pay varies by industry and skill level. Apprenticeships run on a system that involves paid work as well as education and instruction. You will receive training that provides you the knowledge and skills to perform the job in which you have an apprenticeship. There are apprenticeship opportunities for you if you are a college graduate and if you decided not to go to college. Apprenticeships operate on an earn-to-learn model within the national standards that are set by the U.S. Department of Labor.
With apprenticeships, you receive on the job training and learn in an environment that will teach you skills you can use for other jobs in that field as well. With an apprenticeship, it is typical for you to receive 2,000 hours of on the job training and a minimum of 144 hours of classroom instruction related to your job. You can look at an apprenticeship as an alternative to college. While simply obtaining your college degree does not ensure you a job, it is common for apprenticeships to put you on a progressive path toward your career. Many apprenticeships require you to be between 16 to 24 years of age, but there are also adult apprenticeships available to you if you are older than the age of 25. Apprenticeships are currently on the rise in industries like health care and technology.
When it comes to job-based training, internships serve as a popular way to gain relevant knowledge, skills and experience in a specific field of work. Popular among college students, internships can be used as a tool to determine if you are interested in the everyday work done for a specific job. It is a great way to determine whether or not you can see yourself performing the job in the future. While in college, internships can be completed during the fall, spring or summer semesters. Internships can be both unpaid and paid. Unpaid internships are a lot easier to obtain. While you can gain a lot of experience with unpaid internships, it can cause problems if making money is necessary for you to cover your expenses. Internships only last for a set period of time and do not always guarantee a position at the end of the program. However, many companies that are looking to hire college students as full-time employees require internship experience in order for students to be considered.
In the best-case scenario, the employer will hire you on to work for the company once the internship is complete. When you finish an internship, be sure to ask for a reference letter that you can use for the future. The most beneficial part of an internship is the experience. There is potential to learn so much about the company and the way jobs are meant to be done. Internships are a good way to open doors and network.
On-The-Job Training
If you are a new hire at any type of company, there is a great chance that you will receive on-the-job training. This training focuses specifically on teaching new hires the roles and responsibilities needed to perform a job correctly. This training is performed in the work place, as the name suggests, instead of in a classroom or online. Having this training on the job allows you the opportunity to gain experience by using the workplace tools and equipment. With this form of training, you have a better chance of learning how to do the job effectively. This type of training is usually taught by a manager or a coworker. The leader of the training will provide you with information and practices that you should know. It is said that there are advantages to employees training other employees, one being the increase in effectiveness of the internal training.
Depending on the industry, different types of on-the-job training are sufficient. Options for this form of training include mentoring and providing periodic in-house training from internal or external resources. Mentoring in a work environment is a form of on-the-job training that allows the mentor to contribute experience, skills and wisdom to you while you are on the job.
In-house training is another way for you to receive on-the-job training. With this training, tools are used to both educate and build your team. This training is best taught in small portions so that the information can be applied to your day-to-day work.
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