If you are like many employees, you may not think much about the things your boss notices on a daily basis. You may think getting hired is most of the employment battle.
However, after you acquire a job, you must continue to put your best foot forward to keep it and gain the chance of advancing within your company. Your employer has several important tasks to oversee, and one such task is employee management.
“What is my employer looking for?” and “What does my employer see me doing?” are important questions to keep in your mind during every shift. There are a lot of potential answers. The shortest response is he or she is looking for anything to help gauge how productive your presence is within the company. That may encompass observing your actions, having a list of traits he or she hopes to see or judging how your co-workers react to you. Below is a list of four things your employer notices about you.
Your Schedule and General Productivity Level
One of the most important tasks your employer has is monitoring your work hours, if your company has set work hours. It is acceptable to be late occasionally if you have reasonable excuses. However, arriving at work much later than your co-workers consistently may slow your entire department down. If your tardiness is reducing productivity, your employer can tell. The same is true if you consistently leave work before many of your co-workers.
If you do not have a set work schedule, personal productivity is still important. You must show your employer you are trustworthy. For example, when working from home, your employer can monitor your ability to get tasks done by deadlines. When working with a team, keeping different hours from the other team members may be acceptable. However, you must complete your portion of the work. If your work ethic is lacking, expect your employer to notice. Events he or she may take note of that indicate you are not focusing at work include:
- Using your cellphone for personal texting or calling too much during work hours.
- Accessing social media or personal email on company computers.
- Taking too many unexplained or lengthy breaks.
Your Ability to Adapt to the Office Environment
To impress an observant employer, adapting to your office environment is important. One aspect of your ability to adapt he or she can clearly monitor is how you dress. If your work environment has a dress code, follow it. Otherwise, examine how your co-workers dress.
It is likely there is a clear leaning toward either formal or casual attire in your workplace. When working in a casual setting, do not dress in a manner that is too casual. For example, your employer may view wrinkled clothing or clothing with inappropriate slogans as unacceptable for the workplace. Remember, he or she is making note of your appearance.
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Another thing your employer notices about your ability to adapt to your work environment is how you get along with your co-workers. If you are new to the company, it may take time to develop good working relationships. However, your employer may view your lack of interactions with your co-workers as a problem after you have had enough time to settle in. To avoid making a negative impression on him or her and your co-workers, socialize frequently with staff members on breaks or at company events.
Your Body Language
It is likely your employer notices your body language and the body language of all other employees. He or she may mentally evaluate your body language to determine how comfortable you are in certain situations. The results of such evaluations may influence your ability to get promoted or other aspects of how your skills are utilized within the company. Additionally, you may think your opinions about various aspects of company operations are private, but your body language may make those opinions obvious. That could cause strains in your workplace relationships, which are also noticeable to your employer.
There are many ways in which your body language can openly illustrate your opinions or moods. For example, bad posture when sitting at a meeting can be perceived as indifference or laziness. Similarly, it is important to make eye contact when speaking to your employer or co-workers. Lack of eye contact usually indicates discomfort or lack of confidence. If your employer notices such behaviors, he or she may see them as signs of weakness or inability to perform your job properly.
Your Language and General Attitude in the Workplace
Your employer pays close attention to the language used in the office. You must also take care to use appropriate language at any functions where co-workers or your employer are present, such as company parties. If your work environment is lax, some profanity may be acceptable, but it is better to avoid using it at all.
It is not just the use of profane language your employer notices. He or she may also monitor your choice of words, in general. For example, if you complain about projects or co-workers often, he or she may take notice. Blaming others for your own mistakes is also easily noticeable by your employer. He or she is likely to reprimand you, if you make a habit of making such accusations.
In addition to your language, your employer is also responsible for monitoring your attitude. If you have poor time management skills, he or she may determine you also have a poor work ethic. However, asking questions and demonstrating a desire to learn has the opposite effect. By participating in discussions and having the courage to voice your opinions, you can show him or her you care about the company. Participation and interaction with co-workers are also excellent ways to get your employer to notice you for the right reasons.
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